美国国家地震工程会议是地震工程领域颇具影响力的学术性会议,由美国地震工程研究学会(Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, EERI)主办,四年一届。本次会议主题为“integrating science, engineering and policy”,吸引了全球50多个国家和地区,超过1000多位地震工程相关领域的专家学者、工程人员和政府官员参会,共邀请了8个特邀报告,分为67个普通专题、43个特别专题和10个5-in-5专题,超过200个海报展示。会议期间同时举办了第15届EERI大学生抗震设计竞赛,超过40余所大学生代表队参加了此次竞赛。
序号 | 姓名 | 报告名称 | 专题名称 |
1 | 孙泽阳 | Deformation behavior of concrete beams reinforced by steel-FRP composite bar | Advances and current issues in bridge design and practice |
2 | 李帅 | Seismic performance of steel bridge piers with SMA in plastic hinge length | Innovative seismic design and protection of bridges |
3 | 李帅 | Seismic fragility of a long-span cable-stayed bridge isolated by SMA wire-based lead rubber bearing | Innovative seismic design and protection of bridges |
4 | 张凡 | Seismic performance assessment of a simply-supported highway bridge crossing fault-rupture zone | Bridge structures |
(文/图 秦卫红)