“必威BETWAY官网岩土学科前沿及发展研讨会” 暨 “第三届土木工程海外华人青年学者学术交流与联谊会-岩土工程专题”通知


Organised and Sponsored by:
School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University (必威BETWAY官网土木学院)
Institute of Future Underground Space, Southeast University (必威BETWAY官网未来地下空间研究院)
Research Centre for Offshore & Onshore Deep-water Foundation, Southeast University (必威BETWAY官网海洋与深水基础研究中心)
Jiangsu Society for Geotechnical Mechanics and Engineering (江苏省岩土力学与工程学会)


We cordially invite you to the 2019 Southeast Symposium of Recent Developments in Geotechnics, which will be held on 7th – 9th July 2019 at Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, P.R. China. This is the third event of the series, which was launched in 2017 as part of School of Civil Engineering’s initiative to develop into an internationally leading institute. The events have been featured with latest research exchange and scholarly debates in an open atmosphere for which we are indebted to our excellent participants from the top universities and leading geotechnical institutes all over the world. On chosen themes, the events bridged the gap between fundamental research and geotechnical applications bybringing academics and practitioners in the same room and talking to each other. We are also glad that the past two events served successfully the international and domestic recruitments by attracting competent academic staff to join us and to strengthen and complement our existing capacities.

The 2019 Southeast Symposium will be another friendly gathering for research communication of fundamental and applied geotechnical research, to explore new scientific frontiers and new ideas, and to develop strategic and collaborative plans to tackle real world challenges in energy, environment and sustainability. This year the symposium will be organized bya number of Southeast volunteers together with interested external experts. It is planned to be a one-session event with around 60-80 attendees. Each speaker will have at least 20 minutes equally (no plenary talks!). As usual, this event will take place in sequence with the National Postgraduate Summer School in Civil Engineering (1st – 7th July). Opportunities to interact with summer school students for potential recruitment will be available.

The 2019 SEU symposium welcomes contributions from all areas of geomechanics and geotechnical engineering, including but not limited to the following: “Frontier & Cross-disciplinary Geotechnics”, “SoilDynamics and Earthquake Engineering”, “Underground Space Technology” and “Sustainable Geotechnics”. Talks will be organised into these themed sessions to promote focused discussions. A number of travel grants will be available for international travellers. Potential participants are highly encouraged to apply at early convenience.

Look forward to welcoming you in Nanjing.

Prof. Xia Li 

Professor in Geotechnical Engineering

School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University

On behalf of symposium committees & organisers

International advisory committee:
Prof. Yu-Jun Cui, Ecole des Pants ParisTech, France
Prof. Yannis Dafalias, UC Davis, USA
Prof. Andrew Dawson, University of Nottingham, UK
Prof. Yun-Tian Feng, Swansea University, UK
Prof. Jie Han, Kansas University, USA
Prof. Pierre-Yves Hicher, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
Prof. Amir M Kaynia, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway
Prof. Xiang-Song Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HKSAR, China
Prof. Francois Nicot, IRSTEA Grenoble, France
Prof. Mark Randolph, University of Western Australia, Australia
Prof. Kenichi Soga, UC Berkeley, USA
Prof. Wei Wu, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Prof. Jian Zhao, Monash University, Australia

2019 Technical Committee:

Yong-Feng Deng (邓永锋), Yan-Jun Du(杜延军), Lei He(何磊)

 Jian-Chun Li(李建春), Xia Li(Chair, 李霞)

De-Chun Lu(路德春), Xue-Liang Zhao(赵学亮)

Secretary General:

Xia Li (Chair, 李霞) , Fei Wang (王菲), Qian Zhai(翟钱) , Qi Zhang(张琦)

Location:  Southeast University, Nanjing, P.R. China

Contact us:
More details of this event and the participation form will be available at:
And http:/2019/0506/c1281a271460/page.htm
For any inquiries or information, please email to geo@pub.seu.edu.cn.


participation form.docx