




















美国机械工程师协会(ASME) 会员

美国土木工程师协会(ASCE) 会员

美国工程力学协会(EMI) 会员

江苏省振动工程学会 会员

江苏省振动工程学会智能系统动力学专业委员会 委员


1. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划子课题,2023YFC3805901,长线型市政公共设施数字孪生模型构建及可视化,2023-12至今,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,12072165,含摩擦与碰撞非光滑机械运动广义辛方法及时滞主动控制研究,2021-01-01至今,参与。

3. Ministry of Education,Singapore, MOE-000298-00,Sonic crystals with built-in metastructures,2023-01至今,参与。

4. 香港创新科技署,伙伴研究计划,PRP/040/20FX,研发一种应用于预制「组装合成」建筑中墙体-范本的高刚度高强度延性水泥基复合材料,2021-10至今,参与。

5. 香港研究资助局,德国/香港联合研究项目,9053039,几何非线性结构中的辛弹性理论及方法,2021-01至2021-10,参与。



1. Chen, Z., Chong, Y. B., Lim, K. M., & Lee, H. P. (2024). Reconfigurable 3D Printed Acoustic Metamaterial Chamber for Sound Insulation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 266, 108978.

2. Chen. Z., Wang, G., Lim, C.W., Guo, T. (2024). Pine-like Elastic Metamaterials for Urban Seismic Rayleigh Wave Attenuation. Urban Lifeline. 2, 1.

3. Chen, Z., Wang, G. & Guo, T.(2024). Viaduct-like Phononic Crystal Beams with Point Elastic Supports for Robust Transverse Wave Transport. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies.

4. Chen, Z., Wang, G. & Lim, C.W. (2023). Artificially engineered metaconcrete with wide bandgap for seismic surface wave manipulation. Engineering Structures, 276, 115375.

5. Chen, Z. & Zhou. W. (2023). Temperature controlled elastic wave transport in topological ferroelectric phononic crystal plates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 241, 107964.

6. Chen, Z., Wang, G., Shi, F. & Lim, C. W. (2022). Analytical modeling and numerical analysis for tunable topological phase transition of flexural waves in active sandwiched phononic beam systems. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 223, 107292.

7. Chen, Z., Wang, G., Mao, Y., & Lim, C. W. (2022). New metamaterial mathematical modeling of acoustic topological insulators via tunable underwater local resonance. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 108, 258-274.

8. Chen, Z., Wang, G., & Lim, C. W. (2022). Periodically alternated elastic support induced topological phase transition in phononic crystal beam systems. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 239, 111461.

9. Chen, Z., Wang, X., Lim, C. W.& Shi, F. (2022). Robust large-area elastic transverse wave transport in active acoustic metamaterials. Journal of Applied Physics, 131, 185112. 

10. Chen, Z., Wang, G., Zhou, W., & Lim, C. W. (2021). Elastic foundation induced wide bandgaps for actively-tuned topologically protected wave propagation in phononic crystal beams. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 194, 106215.

11. Chen, Z., Zhou, W., & Lim, C. W. (2021). Tunable frequency response of topologically protected interface modes for membrane-type metamaterials via voltage control. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 494, 115870.

12. Chen, Z., Muhammad, Wang, X., & Lim, C. W. (2021). Low frequency topologically protected wave transport in sinusoidal lightweight acoustic metamaterials. Journal of Applied Physics, 130, 045108.(编辑精选)

13. Chen, Z.†, Lim, C. W.†, &. Shi F. (2021). A review on seismic metamaterials: from natural to artificial structures (in Chinese), Chinese Science Bulletin, 67, 1264–1278.

14. Chen, Z., Zhao, Q., & Lim, C. W. (2021). A new static–dynamic equivalence beam bending approach for the stability of a vibrating beam. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 28(10), 999-1009.

15. Chen, Z., Zhou, W., & Lim, C. W. (2020). Active control for acoustic wave propagation in nonlinear diatomic acoustic metamaterials. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 125, 103535.

16. Chen, Z., & Lim, C. W. (2018). Static–Dynamic relationship for flexural free vibration of extensible beams. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 18(09), 1871010.

17. Wang, G., Chen, Z., Shi, Z. & Lim, C.W. (2024). Three-dimensional Acoustic Metamaterials with Different Order Topological States and Multi-directional Waveguiding. Physical Review B.

18. Wang, G., Wang. T., Chen, Z., Zhu, Z. & Lim, C.W. (2024). A Novel 3D Topological Metamaterial for Controllability of Polarization-dependent Multilayer Elastic Waves. Composites Part B. 275, 111341.

19. Wang, G., Chen, Z., & Lim, C.W.(2023). Subwavelength Path-switchable Wave Routing and Topological Corner States for A Higher-order Topological Insulator. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 564, 117869.

20. Wang, G., Wei, Y., Chen, Z. & Lim, C.W. (2023). Controllable Subwavelength Topological Rainbow Trapping in Water-Filling Acoustic Metamaterials. Applied Acoustics, 207, 109366.

21. Wang, G., Guan, Y., Chen, Z., Xu, X., Zhou, Z., & Lim, C.W. (2023). New topological rainbow trapping approach for phononic beam-foundation systems. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 56(38), 385309.

22. Wang, G., Shi, F., Chen, Z., Lim, C.W., Yu, Y. (2023). Controllable flexural wave bandgap in extensible metamaterial beams with embedded multiple resonators. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 1-19.

23. Wang, G., Guan, Y., Chen, Z., Xu, X., Zhou, Z., Lim, C.W. (2022). Subwavelength thermally-controlled acoustic topological interface states in split hollow spheres. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 30(20), 4110-4123.




2021年度获《Journal of Applied Physics》“Editor's pick

2020年度获香港城市大学Research Tuition Scholarship 2020

2019年度获香港城市大学Research Tuition Scholarship 2019

2019年度获香港城市大学Outstanding Academic Performance Award