仝 腾









2009年获得必威BETWAY官网结构工程专业本科学位,2012年获必威BETWAY官网桥梁工程方向硕士学位,2016年获得University of Pittsburgh (PA, USA) 博士学位, 2017年在IDC EngineersCAUSA)担任助理工程师。201712月开始在必威BETWAY官网从事桥梁和结构工程方向的科研教学工作。


已在ASCE Journal of Bridge EngineeringASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering ACI Structural JournalStructure and Infrastructure EngineeringASME Journal of Applied MechanicsEngineering Structures Construction and Building Materials等国内外学术期刊上发表论文二十余篇,并担任多个知名期刊审稿人。




  • 国家自然科学基金面上目,复杂服役环境下的预应力UHPC梁桥时变演化机理及长期性能预测研究,2024/01-2027/12在研,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于细观尺度时变模型的大跨度PC 桥长期下挠开裂耦合分析,2019/01-2021/12,主持

  • 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,BK20180389,基于混凝土宏细观徐变分析的大跨度 PC 梁桥长期下挠和开裂机理研究,2019/01-2021/12,主持

  • 国家重点研发计划,2019YFE0119800,基于可恢复性的装配式桥梁全生命周期抗震性能研究,2020/12-2023/08,参与

  • 江苏省双创博士(20185月),主持

  • 必威BETWAY官网至善学者(2020-2022,主持

  1. Tong, T. * , Yuan. S.Q. , Liu, Z., & Ruan, X. T. (2021). Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analyses for Cyclic Responses of Precast Segmental Bridge Piers Accounting for Bond-Slip Degradation. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, accepted II 区, IF = 3.5

  2. Yuan, S. , & Liu, Z. * ,  Tong, T. ,  Chung C. F. (2021). Bond behaviors between UHPC and normal-strength concrete: experimental investigation and database construction. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), acceptedII 区, IF = 3.5

  3. Tong, T. * , Wang, Y. , Yuan, S. , Brigham, J. C. , & Liu, Z. (2021). Incorporation of localizing gradient-enhanced damage model into layered membrane elements for reinforced concrete structures subject to in-plane loading. Structures, 30(4), 455-476. II 区, IF = 3.12

  4. Tong, T. , Wang, J. , Lei, H. , & Liu, Z. * (2021). UHPC jacket retrofitting of reinforced concrete bridge piers with low flexural reinforcement ratios: experimental investigation and three-dimensional finite element modeling.  Structure and Infrastructure Engineering(1), 1-23. II 区, IF = 3.5

  5. Tong, T. *, Hua, G. , Liu, Z. , Liu, X. , & Xu, T. . (2021). Localizing gradient damage model coupled to extended microprestress-solidification theory for long-term nonlinear time-dependent behaviors of concrete structures. Mechanics of Materials, 154(8), 103713. I 区, IF = 3.3

  6. Tong, T.  , Yuan, S.Q., Wang, J. Q., & Zhao, L. * (2021) The role of bond strength in structural behaviors of UHPC-NC composite beams: experimental investigation and finite element modeling. Composite Structures, 255. I 区, IF = 5.4

  7. Tong, T. , Yuan, S. , Zhuo, W. , & Liu, Z. * (2021). Experimental and numerical investigations on cyclic behaviors of precast segmental bridge piers with the hybrid of high-strength bars and unbonded prestressing tendons. Advances in Structural Engineering (5), 136943322095681. III 区, IF = 1.9

  8.  Yuan, S. , Tong, T. , & Liu, Z. * (2020). Investigation of over-nonlocal damage and interface cohesive models for simulating structural behaviors of composite UHPC-NC members. Structures, 28II 区, IF = 3.12

  9. Tong, T., Lei, H., Yuan, S.,& Liu, Z. * (2020). Experimental Investigation and Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Low Flexural Strength Rectangular Bridge Piers Retrofitted with Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete Jackets. Engineering Structures, 206, 110132 I 区, IF = 4.5

  10. Tong, T. , Wang, W. , Yu, Q. , & Pan, C. * (2020). Subcritical crack growth in cementitious materials subject to chemo-mechanical deterioration: numerical analysis based on lattice model. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 32(11), 04020330. II 区, IF = 3.5

  11. Tong, T., Zhuo, W., Jiang, X., Lei, H., & Liu, Z. * (2019). Research on seismic resilience of prestressed precast segmental bridge piers reinforced with high-strength bars through experimental testing and numerical modelling. Engineering Structures, 197, 109335. I 区, IF = 4.5

  12. Tong, T., Yuan, S., Zhuo, W., He, Z., & Liu, Z.* (2019). Seismic retrofitting of rectangular bridge piers using ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete jackets. Composite Structures, 228, 111367.I 区, IF = 5.4

  13.  Zhuo W, Tong T, & Liu Z* (2019). Analytical Pushover Method and Hysteretic Modeling of Precast Segmental Bridge Piers with High-Strength Bars Based on Cyclic Loading Test. Journal of Structural Engineering  (ASCE). 145(7): 04019050. II 区, IF = 3.3

  14. Tong, T., Su. Q-T., & Yu, Q.* (2018). The Coupled Effect of Concrete Shrinkage, Creep and Cracking on The Performance of Post-connected Prestressed Steel-concrete Composite Girders, Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE). 23(3), 04017145.II 区, IF = 3.1

  15. Sun, Z., Liu, F., Tong, T., Qi, C., & Yu, Q. (2017). Hydration of Concrete Containing Hybrid Recycled Demolition Powders. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE).  29(7), 04017037. II 区, IF = 3.5

  16. Wang, W., Tong, T., Tan, S., & Yu, Q. (2017). Subcritical Crack Growth in Cementitious Materials Subject to Chemo-mechanical Deterioration - Experimental Test Using Specimens of Negative Geometry. Journal of applied mechanics (ASME), 84(4), 041004-041004-11.II 区, IF = 2.5

  17. Liu, Q., Xu,Q., Yu, Q., & Tong, T. (2016). Experimental Investigation on Mechanical and Piezoresistive Properties of Cementitious Materials Containing Graphene and Graphene Oxide Nanoplatelets. Construction and Building Material, 127, 565-576.I 区, IF =6.5

  18. Tong, T., Liu, Z., Zhang, J., & Yu, Q. (2016). Long-term Performance of Prestressed Concrete Bridges under The Intertwined Effects of Concrete Damage, Static Creep and Traffic-induced Cyclic Creep.  Engineering Structures, 127, 510-524. I 区, IF = 4.5

  19. Tong, T., Fan, Z., Liu, Q., Wang, S., Tan, S., & Yu, Q. (2016). Investigation of the effects of graphene and graphene oxide nanoplatelets on the micro-and macro-properties of cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials, 106, 102-114. I 区, IF =6.5

  20. Wendner, R., Tong, T., Strauss, A., & Yu, Q. (2015). A case study on correlations of axial shortening and deflection with concrete creep asymptote in segmentally-erected prestressed box girders. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11(12), 1672-1687. II 区, IF = 3.12

  21. Liu, Q., Tong, T., Liu, S., Yang, D., & Yu, Q. (2014). Investigation of using hybrid recycled powder from demolished concrete solids and clay bricks as a pozzolanic supplement for cement. Construction and Building Materials, 73, 754-763. I 区, IF =6.5

  22. Wang, H., Hu, R., Xie, J., Tong, T., & Li, A. (2012). Comparative study on buffeting performance of Sutong Bridge based on design and measured spectrum. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 18(7), 587-600. II 区, IF = 3.1

  23. Tong, T., & Liu, Z. (2011). Comparison study of durability design for concrete bridges: Chinese-code and Eurocode. Journal of Southeast University, 27(4), 436-440.