序号 | 研究生姓名 | 论文标题 | 刊物名称、期卷号、页码 | 时间 |
1 | 张廼龙 | A mesoscale model based on Monte-Carlo method for concrete fracture behavior study | Science China-Technological Sciences, 55(12):3278-3284 | 2012 |
2 | 何顶顶 | Multi-scale experimental study on fatigue damage behaviour and its effect on structural nonlinear response | Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 36(2):102-114 | 2013 |
3 | 郑哲远 | Adaptive multiscale analyses on structural failure considering localized damage evolution on vulnerable joints | Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 14(2):304-316 | 2014 |
4 | 詹润涛 | A fraction differential constitutive model for dynamic stress intensity factors of an anti-plane crack in viscoelastic materials | Acta Mechanica Sinica,30(3):403-409 | 2014 |
5 | 孙宾 | A multi-scale damage model for fatigue accumulation due to short cracks nucleation and growth | Engineering Fracture Mechanics,127:280-295 | 2014 |
6 | 孙宾 | Adaptive image-based method for integrated multi-scale modeling of damage evolution in heterogeneous concrete | Computers & Structures, 152:66-81 | 2015 |
7 | 孙宾 | Adaptive concurrent multi-scale FEM for trans-scale damage evolution in heterogeneous concrete | Computational Materials Science, 99:262-273 | 2015 |
8 | 姜东 | Comparative study of model updating methods using frequency response function data | Journal of Vibroengineering,16(5):2305-2318 | 2014 |
9 | 姜东 | An approach on identification of equivalent properties of honeycomb core using experimental modal data | Finite Elements in Analysis and Design,90:84-9 | 2014 |
10 | 姜东 | Prediction of uncertain elastic parameters of a braided composite | Composite Structures, 126:123-131 | 2015 |
11 | 代祥俊 | Strain field estimation based on digital image correlation and radial basis function | Optics and Lasers in Engineering,65:64-72 | 2015 |
12 | 赵卫 | preliminary research on the aerothermoelastic behaviours of sweptback wing | Applied mechanics and material,138-139:874-878 | 2012 |
13 | 赵卫 | C/C-SiC复合材料的表面烧蚀模型及数值模拟 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) , 41(2):365-369 | 2011 |
14 | 赵卫 | 计及热效应的小展弦比机翼气弹稳定性分析 | 振动、测试与诊断, 34(3):524-528 | 2014 |
15 | 谭福颖 | 基于广义梁理论的薄壁圆柱壳稳定性分析 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) , 43(5):1062-1067 | 2013 |
17 | 张大海 | 基于动刚度理论的柔性组合式起重机减振方法研究 | 振动与冲击,33(6):184-188 | 2014 |
18 | 马睿 | 考虑重力影响的太阳翼模型修正方法研究 | 宇航学报, 35(12):1373-1378 | 2014 |
19 | 赵超凡 | 焊接结构损伤区细观裂纹扩展的分形特征及其多尺度损伤表征 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) , 43(5):1039-1044 | 2013 |
20 | 郑哲远 | Adaptive multiscale analyses on structural failure considering localized damage evolution on vulnerable joints | Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 14(2):304-316 | 2014 |
21 | 戴美玲 | 基于双频彩色光栅投影测量不连续物体三维形貌 | 光学精密工程, 21(1):7-12 | 2013 |
22 | 戴美玲 | 单幅彩色条纹投影的不连续物体表面三维形貌测量 | 光学学报, 32(4):0412005 | 2012 |
23 | 戴美玲 | 基于单幅彩色正弦光栅投影的三维形貌测量 | 光学学报, 31(7): 0712002 | 2011 |
24 | 姜东 | 蜂窝夹层复合材料不确定性参数识别方法 | 振动与冲击, 34(2):14-19 | 2015 |
25 | 姜东 | 基于各向同性本构关系薄层单元的螺栓连接参数识别 | 固体火箭技术, 37(5):688-693 | 2014 |
26 | 姜东 | 考虑胶层的蜂窝夹层复合材料动态特性 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) , 43(5):1068-1073 | 2013 |
27 | 姜东 | 2.5 维C/SiC复合材料弹性参数不确定性识别方法研究 | 振动工程学报, 27(3):318-325 | 2014 |
28 | 李彦斌 | 随机基础激励下承力筒-蒙皮结构的声-固耦合分析 | 宇航学报, 36(2):236-242 | 2015 |
29 | 李彦斌 | 运输载荷下弹体典型连接疲劳寿命评估 | 固体火箭技术, 36(3):419-422+426 | 2013 |
30 | 周亚东 | 惯性导航平台角振动抑制技术 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) , 43 (1):60-64 | 2013 |
31 | 周亚东 | 惯性导航平台橡胶减振器斜角布置方法 | 振动、测试与诊断, 34(3):447-451 | 2014 |
32 | 陆韬 | 2.5 维C/SiC复合材料板弹性参数识别方法研究 | 振动与冲击, 33(8):42-47 | 2014 |