Article Title | Journal | Year, Volume,Page |
Prediction of uncertain elastic parameters of a braided composite | Composite Structures | 2015, 126:123-131 |
Adaptive image-based method for integrated multi-scale modeling of damage evolution in heterogeneous concrete | Computers & Structures | 2015, 152:66-81 |
Adaptive concurrent multi-scale FEM for trans-scale damage evolution in heterogeneous concrete | Computational Materials Science | 2015,99:262-273 |
Strain field estimation based on digital image correlation and radial basis function | Optics and Lasers in Engineering | 2015,65:64-72. |
On the significance of coherent interface effects for embedded nanoparticles | Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids | 2014,19(4):350-368. |
Elastic disturbance due to a nanoparticle near a free surface | Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids | 2014,19(7):868-881. |
Braking performance of working rail-mounted cranes under wind load | Wind and Structures | 2014,19(1):1-14. |
Fatigue of girth butt weld for cast steel node connection in tower structure under wave loadings | Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings | 2014,23(15):1119-1140. |
Comparative study of model updating methods using frequency response function data | Journal of Vibroengineering | 2014,16(5):2305-2318 |
An approach on identification of equivalent properties of honeycomb core using experimental modal data | Finite Elements in Analysis and Design | 2014,90:84-92 |
Adaptive multiscale analyses on structural failure considering localized damage evolution on vulnerable joints | Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering | 2014, 14(2):304-316 |
A fraction differential constitutive model for dynamic stress intensity factors of an anti-plane crack in viscoelastic materials | Acta Mechanica Sinica | 2014,30(3):403-409 |
A multi-scale damage model for fatigue accumulation due to short cracks nucleation and growth | Engineering Fracture Mechanics | 2014,127:280-295 |
Concurrent multifactor optimisation techniques for model updating of long-span bridges | Structure and Infrastructure Engineering | 2013, 9(6):578-593 |
Stress concentration around a nanovoid near the surface of an elastic half-space | International Journal of Solid and Structures | 2013, 50(10): 2737-2748. |
Electromechanical properties of alternating AIN and SiC nanoribbon sheets | Computational Material Science | 2013,78:129-133. |
Concurrent multi-scale modelling and updating of long-span bridges using a multi-objective optimisation technique | Structure and Infrastructure Engineering | 2013, 9(12):1251-1266 |
Multi-scale experimental study on fatigue damage behaviour and its effect on structural nonlinear response | Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures | 2013, 36(2):102-114 |
Long period fiber grating transverse load effect-based sensor for the omnidirectional monitoring of rebar corrosion in concrete | Applied Optics | 2013, 52(14)3246-3252 |
Finite element model updating using base excitation response function | Journal of Vibroengineering | 2013, 15 (1):9-22 |
A two-step method for determination of mode order in structural damage identification | Journal of Vibroengineering | 2013, 15 (1):247-253 |
Vibration analysis of a beam on a moving vehicle under the road excitation with different contact models | Journal of Vibroengineering | 2013, 15(4): 1689-1700. |
Creep performance of PVC aged at temperature relatively close to glass transition temperature | Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) | 2012, 33 (9):1129-1136 |
Transient meshless boundary element method for prediction of chloride diffusion in concrete with time dependent nonlinear coefficients | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | 2012, 36(2):104-111 |
Multi-scale finite element analysis of chloride diffusion in concrete incorporating paste/aggregate ITZs | Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy | 2012, 55(9):1696-1702 |
A mesoscale model based on Monte-Carlo method for concrete fracture behavior study | Science China-Technological Sciences | 2012, 55(12):3278-3284 |
Multi-scale analyses on seismic damage and progressive failure of steel structures | Finite Elements in Analysis and Design | 2012, 48(1):1358-1369 |
Identification of modal parameters from structural ambient responses using wavelet analysis | Journal of Vibroengineering | 2012, 14 (3):1176-1186 |
Criteria of evaluating initial model for effective dynamic model updating | Journal of Vibroengineering | 2012, 14 (3):1362-1369 |
Structural health monitoring oriented stability and dynamic analysis of a long-span transmission tower-line system | Engineering Failure Analysis | 2012,20:80-87 |
Evaluating the response statistics of an uncertain bridge-vehicle system | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | 2012, 27:576-589. |
Statistical moving load identification including uncertainties | Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics | 2012, 29:70-78. |
Repassivation behavior of stressed aluminium electrodes in aqueous chloride solutions | Corrosion Science | 2012, 54(10-16): 10-16. |
Atomistic insights into dislocation-based mechanisms of void growth and coalescence | Journal of the Mechanics and Physics Solids | 2011, 59(9): 1858-1871. |
Time-harmonic P-waves engulfing a rectangular limited-permeable crack in piezoelectric medium: Energy density and energy release | Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics | 2011,55(3):169-184. |
论文题目 | 杂志名称 | 年份,期卷,页码 |
蜂窝夹层复合材料不确定性参数识别方法 | 振动与冲击 | 2015, 34(2):14-19 |
随机基础激励下承力筒-蒙皮结构的声-固耦合分析 | 宇航学报 | 2015, 36(2):236-242 |
基于模量/应变波耦合特性的FBG碳纤维增强复合材料拉伸断裂监测 | 复合材料学报 | 2014, 31(1):26-32 |
惯性导航平台橡胶减振器斜角布置方法 | 振动、测试与诊断 | 2014, 34(3):447-451 |
2.5 维C/SiC复合材料板弹性参数识别方法研究 | 振动与冲击 | 2014, 33(8):42-47 |
计及热效应的小展弦比机翼气弹稳定性分析 | 振动、测试与诊断 | 2014, 34(3):524-528 |
基于动刚度理论的柔性组合式起重机减振方法研究 | 振动与冲击 | 2014,33(6):184-188 |
基于各向同性本构关系薄层单元的螺栓连接参数识别 | 固体火箭技术 | 2014, 37(5):688-693 |
2.5 维C/SiC复合材料弹性参数不确定性识别方法研究 | 振动工程学报 | 2014, 27(3):318-325 |
考虑重力影响的太阳翼模型修正方法研究 | 宇航学报 | 2014, 35(12):1373-1378 |
Adaptive multiscale analyses on structural failure considering localized damage evolution on vulnerable joints | Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering | 2014, 14(2):304-316 |
基于广义梁理论的薄壁圆柱壳稳定性分析 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) | 2013, 43(5):1062-1067 |
基于长周期光纤光栅横向负载特性的混凝土结构钢筋锈蚀监测 | 光学学报 | 2013, 33(4):30-36 |
大型土木结构多尺度损伤预后的现状、研究思路与前景 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) | 2013, 43(5):1111-1121 |
焊接结构损伤区细观裂纹扩展的分形特征及其多尺度损伤表征 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) | 2013, 43(5):1039-1044 |
大跨钢桥钢箱梁损伤时变模型及疲劳可靠性评估 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) | 2013, 43(5):1017-1023 |
基于双频彩色光栅投影测量不连续物体三维形貌 | 光学精密工程 | 2013, 21(1):7-12 |
考虑胶层的蜂窝夹层复合材料动态特性 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) | 2013, 43(5):1068-1073 |
运输载荷下弹体典型连接疲劳寿命评估 | 固体火箭技术 | 2013, 36(3):419-422+426 |
惯性导航平台角振动抑制技术 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) | 2013, 43 (1):60-64 |
路面激励下弹体-运输车耦合振动分析 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) | 2013, 43(5):1055-1061 |
低频P波荷载下压电介质中共面裂纹的耦合断裂行为 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) | 2013, 43(5):1024-1033 |
泡沫铝夹心板静态三点弯曲变形行为及力学性能 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) | 2012, 42(1):120-124 |
一种基于复数变量求偏导的随机有限元可靠度法 | 同济大学学报(自然科学版) | 2012, 40(6):812-816 |
基于单频四步相移条纹投影的不连续物体三维形貌测量 | 光电子-激光 | 2012, 23(8):1535-1538 |
单幅彩色条纹投影的不连续物体表面三维形貌测量 | 光学学报 | 2012, 32(4):0412005 |
C/C-SiC复合材料的表面烧蚀模型及数值模拟 | 必威BETWAY官网学报(自然科学版) | 2011, 41(2):365-369 |
基于单幅彩色正弦光栅投影的三维形貌测量 | 光学学报 | 2011, 31(7): 0712002 |
动力模型拟静力修正方法及误差分析 | 振动与冲击 | 2011, 30(4):113-118 |
钢管混凝土拱桥有限元模型修正 | 南京航空航天大学学报 | 2010, 42 (6):793-796 |